Dermatoglyphic Technology

Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science in the study of the patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes and the soles of human. Its reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. These patterns are formed from the external ectoderm and usually occur during the fetal development stage. Medical experts and scientists thus discovered that the amount of brain cells distributed in different parts of the brain helps us understand a person's multiple intelligences as well as his innate potential capabilities and personality.
Dermatoglyphic Features
There are no two identical fingerprints. One's 10 fingers are not the same . dermatoglyphics style, striae height, density, quantity and location of the point is not the same for everyone. No individual has ever displayed the same fingerprint from another digit even if taken from the same hand.
The raised pattern network of lifetime from birth to death will not change even if it is due to the regeneration of the labor dermatoglyphics style, quantity and profile shape which is determined the same later.
According to science statistics, immediate family members will be more or less the same between the striae. Normal human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes. If the chromosomes of the tree or structure are changed, it will cause the corresponding striae mutation. Therefore, the striae have inherited the mutation.
When the fetus is in the mother's womb, the life area of the fetus' brain is developed. From 0-3 years old, the emotional area develops rapidly. Between 4-8 years old, the thought function/area is developed. Whereas, between 9-16 years old the mental/spiritual part gradually matures. Hence, after 17 years, "want" and "do not want" become the brain's main model of operation.
The human brain is like a computer, 0-3 is equivalent to the hardware phase, 4-8-year-old is equivalent to the software phase, and above 9 years old is equivalent to the operational phase, namely practice using the computer.