Who is it for?
Our brain starts developing before our birth. The Developing brain generates between thousand's of new cells per second. These cells are one of the basic elements for our body functioning and performance. These brain cells migrate to different locations in the brain and begin to differentiate. However, if we understand where our potentials lie, we can stimulate these cells to help us succeed in different fields.

Our brain's basic development starts at this age it tries to make connections and understand the things around.
Why do we need Analysis : We will come to know the potentials and skills of the Toddlers and according we can plan our parenting styles and environment that we should provide for his development.

At this age he tries to understand the world, emotions, the way of functioning the things and tries to make choices and justify things. He tries to get organized.
Why do we need Analysis: This is the time when the children have an extra anxiety and curiosity to learn things and also have high capacity to learn and absorb different things at greater pace.At this age, we can decide the activities and type of environment that can help them to develop an edge in the way of thinking as compared to others.

This is the time when the child starts to develop his own world according to his needs he becomes more dedicated and well versed with the activities he is interested in. He becomes strong and aggressive. He will always search answers to his questions in his own. He starts learning to be decisive. He tries to be mature.
Why do we need Analysis : It helps to choose his path for the future. He gets the guideline for achieving his goals. It gives stability to the flight of his imagination.

This is the where a person tries to built his identity. He tries to develop and gain the respect from the world. He likes to be acknowledged by everyone. At this stage he has load of responsibilities and in fulfilling that he undergoes through various stresses which makes him weak and low esteemed.
Why do we need Analysis : At this we can guide him to how to cope with responsibilities, how he can manage things, how he can overcome his challenges. We guide him to be winner and help him to become a achiever

This test is very useful for the couples. It helps you know the nature of a person the areas which are strong inside the person, we can judge how will he react towards a specific situation we can use this to compare whether the couple is compatible with each other or not. We can help those couple who have issues or troubles in their married life, we can make them understand the nature of their partner and how they can change the themselves to live happy together.

We all know that corporate industry is a very competitive industry, everyday is a new challenge and to cope up with these challenges you should know your strength and abilities and the organization that use their employees best strength and abilities will excel in this competitive environment. Through this test the organization can determine the skills of their employee and based on that skill they can give right quality work to their employees and generate the maximum output from them.